S-Märke Supersalt

The packaging for S-Märke Supersalt is easily distinguishable from the original, with the more exotic flavours represented by a bag the colour of midnight black. The S-Märke Supersalt logo leaps out from the front of the bag in red and white lettering, and the tasty treats inside are visible through the transparent sliver in the corner. On each candy there is a S print representing the experience, sour, sweet and simply super!

The manufacturer Candy People is located in Skåne and the company was founded in 1982. They simply let the candy speak for itself with a catchphrase “tasting is believing”. With a wide range of candy in huge amounts, they have something for everyone, bitter, sweet, sour or a mixture of everything.



incl. tax

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glucose, sugar, gelatine (beef), ammonium chloride (E510), licorice, dye (E153), flavorings.

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